Regular Season Standings
GB | GR | |||||||||
Leominster Dodgers | 0.0 | |||||||||
Whalom Greys | 0.5 | |||||||||
Worcester Vipers | 2.5 | |||||||||
Wachusett Nationals | 4.0 | |||||||||
Fitchburg Red Sox | 4.5 | |||||||||
Worcester White Sox | 8.5 | |||||||||
Townsend Astros | 8.5 | |||||||||
Boulder A's | 9.5 | |||||||||
Charlton Giants | 11.5 | |||||||||
Worcester Pirates | 15.5 |
*W = Wins, L= Loss, GB =Games Behind, WP= Winning Percent, GP = Games Played, GR = Games Remaining, RF = Runs For, RA = Runs Agains, F = Forfeits
T - The T column is to designate when teams are still tied after comparing head to head and Runs. * Requires an additional tie breaker.
If more than 4 teams are tied, the tie breaker will not calculate the correct standings.